African Folktales

The Cunning Crocodile and the Wise Elephant

Once upon a time, in the heart of the African savannah, a great drought had befallen the land. The scorching sun baked the earth, and the rivers and waterholes ran dry. The animals of the savannah were suffering, desperate for...

 Abb Adeleke

The Radiant Garden of Love

Once upon a time, in the heart of the African savannah, there lived a young couple named Mufaro and Aida. They were blessed with three beautiful children: Zuri, the eldest daughter; Jamal, their mischievous son, and Kaya, their youngest daughter,...

 Elizabeth Yakubu


Once upon a time, in the vast plains of the African savannah, a variety of animals coexisted peacefully. Among them was a humble tortoise named Tumbo. Tumbo was known for his slow and steady nature, always taking his time to...

 Elizabeth Yakubu

The Mischievous Monkeys and the Forbidden Fruit

Once upon a time, in the heart of a dense jungle, there lived a mischievous group of monkeys. Led by their curious and adventurous nature, they spent their days swinging from branch to branch, exploring the vast wonders of their...

 Elizabeth Yakubu

The Legend of the Sacred Swans

Long ago, in a lush and remote valley nestled between towering mountains, there lived a group of magnificent swans. These swans were no ordinary birds; they possessed a secret power. Legend had it that when two swans pledged their love...

 Abb Adeleke

The Golden Ostrich Egg

Once upon a time, in the vast lands of Bawa in Nigeria, there lived a young and honest man named Kofi. Kofi was known throughout the kingdom for his unwavering integrity and kind heart. His honesty had earned him the...

 Elizabeth Yakubu